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Mantra For Success Via Facebook Crowdsourcing

Last Friday, I put up a post on Facebook about not settling for crumbs, believing in your worth and getting what you deserve. It spawned quite a few comments, many from some of my very wise friends. So, I wanted to share this post on my own website to hopefully lend some wisdom to more people.

 Mantra for Success:
1. Know what you want.
2. Ask for it. 🤗
3. Feel deserving of it.
4. Be prepared to receive it.
5. Work for it.
6. Be grateful when it appears. 😍
7. Share it with others.
8. Celebrate success

  1. If you are not clear on what you want, you can’t get help from others to get you there. (“No one succeeds alone”-Sheryl Sandberg)
  2. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want! What is the worst thing that can happen? They say, “No?”
  3. Here’s the hard part…having enough confidence and love for yourself to know you deserve it.
  4. Knowing what you want is coming, takes faith and some energy towards the universe. Pray if you must!
  5. This part is key. I thought it was a forgone conclusion when I first created the list, but you actually need to go for it! No one will give you something until you show you have put the sweat equity in. Metaphysically, ‘working for it is the inner work of loving yourself to know that as you innately align your energy and show up in full service you are provided for!-as added by my friend Stephanie Beeby.
  6. Gratitude is a everything! What you appreciate, appreciates! 
  7. There is an extra bonus of energy when you share with it knowledge, funds, etc.
  8. Celebrate your success! This motivates and inspires you to keep going and also helps others to know that perhaps they can do it, as well!


What would you add to this list?





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